Sunday, February 12, 2023

The Trail of Tears Eclipses 1831 to 1838 ---Eclipse Witness

XIV. Trail of Tears Octon Eclipses 1831 to 1838

1831 Feb 12 Lincoln Birthday/ Nat Turner Ring of Fire (Saros 118)

             1834 Nov 30 Trail of Tears Total Eclipse (Saros 120)

1838 Sep 18 Washington DC Ring of Fire (Saros 122)

The Indian Removal act was signed into law by Andrew Jackson on May 28 1830, codifying an unprecedented betrayal of several southeastern tribes, most famously the Cherokees. The act was vehemently opposed by Davy Crockett and many evangelical Christians, who saw in it a duplicity that would bring judgment on the young nation. 7 months after the Removal Act was signed, a trio of eclipses began.


XIV: Trail of Tears Octon 1831 to 1838


1831 Feb 12 Lincoln Birthday/ Nat Turner Ring of Fire (Saros 118) On Abraham Lincoln's 19th birthday, this eclipse across the southeastern USA inspires the young (and mystical religious) Nat Turner to begin preparations for the largest slave rebellion in US history, which he leads on August 21, 1831 (an important Metonic date—see great eclipses of 1914, 1933, and 2017). Simultaneously, forced relocation of the Southeastern Native Tribes of Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Seminole and Osage is in full swing after Indian Removal Act of 1830 (famously opposed by Davy Crockett). It becomes known as The Trail of Tears. Lincoln could have seen this eclipse on his birthday, as least as a deep partial.

 In all, 9 slave states experienced the eclipse, probably the most geographically possible. Houston (5 years before Texas revolution), Atlanta, Richmond, Jamestown.

Saros 118: returns to US for Buffalo Eclipse of Mar 16 1885 and finishes a thousand years of  complete eclipses with successive eclipses on Hitler Birthday and Death day in Apr 19 1939 and Apr 30 1957.


1834 Nov 30 Trail of Tears Total Eclipse (Saros 120) One of the most extraordinary eclipse paths in history traces the Trail of Tears from Georgia to Oklahoma at the same time as the forced marches were proceeding. Atlanta, Charleston, Columbus GA, Tahlequah OK (modern capital of Cherokees) first settled beginning in 1832. This is Tahlequah's only total eclipse in survey. In path again in 2045.

Saros 120: Saros 120 continues its run up to the present day as one of the most clearly ominous eclipses of the Saros. It ends its history of complete eclipses in 2033 connecting the Eastern and Western Hemispheres simultaneously across the Bering Strait, within 4 days of the 2,000th anniversary of the death of Jesus Christ.


1838 Sep 18 Washington DC Ring of Fire (Saros 122) In the most deadly year of the Trail of Tears, a wide ring of fire across 13 northern states. Many of the great northern cities. Hibbing, Detroit, Cleveland, Columbus OH, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New York City, Baltimore. Washington DC, where the Cherokees were betrayed, is the centerline of the Ring of fire.


How to view such a piece of time art? History marked with shadows. It sings in a cosmic record the hand and song of God. The eclipse paths are eternal art. 


Between the 1831 and 1838 eclipses, there are exactly 7 years, 7 months, and 7 days (an Octon—exactly 8 eclipse years). The 1834 Trail of Tears total eclipse is situated at the precise mid-point on the calendar (at 8 eclipse seasons either way). It is also at the midpoint of the map geographically.