Friday, September 8, 2023

Brave New World Eclipses 1979 and 1984 ---Mount Saint Helens and Washington DC


XXII. Brave New World-Mount Saint Helen's and 1984


1979 Feb 26 Mt. St. Helens/Microsoft Total Eclipse (Saros 120)

1984 May 30 Atlanta/ New Orleans/ DC Ring of Fire (Saros 137)

 1979 Feb 26 Mt. St. Helens/Microsoft Total Eclipse (Saros 120) The great harbinger of 1979. Jimmy Carter is in the White House. During the coldest winter in a century, eight months before the hostage crisis in Iran, ten months before Soviets invade Afghanistan. America is set to rise again with a new kind of world dominance, defined by the universal machine that thinks. The eclipse occurs seven weeks after Bill Gates and Paul Allen move Microsoft Corporation to Gate's hometown of Bellevue, Washington, 99.6% Totality in Bellevue. The beginning of the technological era, the final era of the American Empire and the creation of the last world Empire. The number one song in America was "Do you think I'm Sexy" by Rod Stewart. The number one non-news show was "Three's Company".

 Salem, Oregon is in Totality (it will again be in totality for Aug.21, 2017 USA eclipse, the only major city that has that distinction). Portland has totality. Crosses 5 northwestern states before bisecting Canada (Totality in Winnipeg).

 Totality over Mount Saint Helens (122.2 degrees longitude) 388 days before she awoke with an earthquake on Spring Equinox of March 20 1980. Saint Helens explodes to the due north in the direction of Bellevue Washington (97 miles away --122.2 degrees longitude) on May 18 1980 in the largest volcanic eruption in modern North American History.. First eclipse over Saint Helens since Farewell Abraham on Oct 19 1865.

Saros Cycle 120: Again! Saros 120! The last time Saros 120 will touch contiguous USA. It returns to Alaska US for Bering Strait/ 2,000th anniversary of Jesus Crucifixion Eclipse on 3-30-2033.


1984 May 30 Atlanta/ New Orleans/ DC Ring of Fire-Almost Total (Saros 137) An interesting annular eclipse that is about as close as you can get to a hybrid/total.  At its Maximum, the sun is 99.77% covered (near Christchurch, Virginia). Atlanta is 99.67% covered. What does this mean? It means that the alignment of sun and moon is almost perfect over the path. The moon is almost exactly 400 times closer to the earth than the sun.  They almost perfectly fit in perspective. May 30 1984 is the JFK Birthday Metonic. His actual birthday is May 29 but that's how the Metonic works, sliding around on the hours around a date. He would have still been celebrating his 67th Birthday 12 hours before if he had not been murdered. Ring of Fire begins in Mexico and crosses eastern USA before heading to Africa. Near perfect coverage in Atlanta at Martin Luther King's Home exactly 5900 days after his assassination (and almost exactly 17 eclipse years).

 95% coverage in Washington DC, where the Reagan/Bush Presidency was firmly in power. 90% in JFK's birthplace of Brookline, Massachusetts, 80% in Dallas Texas, where he was murdered. 93% in New York City. Direct path in the Deep South includes New Orleans (the last of its astonishing 7 eclipses in 500 years, birthplace of Lee Harvey Oswald and site of the Jim Garrison JFK conspiracy trial),

 The eclipse crosses the ocean and enters Africa over Casablanca (“white house”) and Marrakesh (Land of God) and ends in desert of the Sahara in Algeria. The last year of JFK birthday/Death Day Metonic conjunction which began with May 28/ Nov 22 in 1900. The next eclipse on earth after this amazing annular occurs on Nov 22 1984 (the 21st anniversary of his murder) over the site of his famous PT-109 heroics in the Solomon Islands of New Guinea.

Saros 137: Saros 137 brought the Titanic Eclipse of 1912, the San Francisco Hybrid of 1930, the Korean War eclipse of 1948, 137 returns for the 2020 Father’s Day Solstice Pandemic Ring of Fire.

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