Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The JFK Assassination Premonition Eclipse 11-22-1919 ( and other JFK themed eclipses in 20th Century)


A brief overview of solar eclipse path peculiarities reflecting

 the life and death of John F. Kennedy

Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917 and died Nov. 22 1963 

The 1919 side by side Metonic Pair on JFK Birthday and Death Day

Map Courtesy of NASA—Espenak and Meuss


1919: JFK Birthday and Death Day in Perfect Pair


Two of the most peculiar eclipses of all time occurred in succession on JFK's 2nd birthday on May 29, 1919 and then six months later on the day of his death, 44 years before it occurred. 

The Nov. 22nd solar eclipse began in Texas, the state where he would be murdered. It began at sunrise almost directly over MIdland, one-time home of the Bushes, and crossed over the head of a ten-year old LBJ in Stonewall Texas , and then covered the entire nation of Cuba.

Why would God mark Kennedy? Perhaps because his life marked a maximum expression of a kind of bravery and sacrifice and his death marked a maximum expression of treachery and deception, which related to the death of the last empire.


May 29 1919 Einstein's Eclipse Total (Saros 136)

On John F. Kennedy's second birthday (he was born May 29 1917), Einstein's Theory of Relativity is finally proved by observation of the total solar eclipse. This is considered among the most important cosmic events in the history of science. Two teams, one in Brazil and one in Africa take simultaneous celestial light measurements to prove Einstein's theory correct. The eclipse has the longest total eclipse duration (at nearly 7 minutes) since 1416 AD. Saros Cycle 136 reappears notably in the Valley of the Kings Eclipse, on August 2 2027.


Nov 22 1919 Ring of Fire JFK Death Premonition Eclipse - LBJ, Texas and Cuba (Saros 141)...pictured below

map courtesy of

The JFK Death Premonition eclipse is shown above, 177 days after the Birthday Eclipse, exactly 44 years before JFK assassination, thereby making the dates of JFK's birth and death commemorated in successive eclipses- both occurring in his home hemisphere. 30% coverage at Kennedy’s home in Boston.


This tremendously long 11 minute and 37 second Ring of Fire Eclipse begins at sunrise in Texas, the state where JFK would be murdered 44 years later. Path of annularity goes over Stonewall, Texas, home to a then 10-year-old Lyndon Baines Johnson, who would replace JFK as President exactly 44 years later on the afternoon of 11-22-1963. Annularity in capitol of Austin and in Houston.


Path crosses almost entire island of Cuba west to east in their greatest eclipse of the 20th century. Cuba would be the nation which JFK's destiny would become intertwined. Path continues across Haiti, Jamaica, then travels the Atlantic to Africa, where the path reaches the countries of Senegal and Mali, both of whose presidents visited Kennedy's White House (the first African leaders to do so).  


Eclipse ends after crossing ancient city of Timbuktu. Saros Cycle 141, which reappears in Spanish Ring of Fire of Jan 26 2028. Below we see that same eclipse in context of the greatest US eclipse swarm i its history. 

Above: the great USA  eclipse swarm of 1918 to 1932...look for the 1919 eclipse  beginning in Texas.

JFK's life and death were marked in solar eclipses throughout his life. His birthday and deathday are in perpetual linkage in the Metonic eclipse calendar.

as you see, here it is in 1044 AD...middle eclipse on birthday/deathday.

Here it is in 504 AD

This pattern goes back into history and ahead into the future approximately every 400 years. It just happened to repeat during the Kennedy century. There were solar eclipses on that birthday deathday metonic in 1900, 1919, 1938, 1946, 1965 and 1984. They have since moved on. Currently the metonic is at Jun 1st and Nov 25.

The time surrounding the killing of John Kennedy and his brother Robert was also marked by eclipses which intersect just outside of their hometown of Boston between 1959 and 1970. See below, these are the only solar eclipse in the USA between 1954 and 1979. 

Description of eclipses pictured above:

Oct 2 1959 Boston Single City (Saros 143) Total Eclipse begins just west of Boston and gives that city a total solar eclipse for the first time since 1806 (it won't have another until 2200) just as its most famous modern son is campaigning for the Presidency of the United States. Kennedy gives a speech that night on the campaign trail in Rochester, New York. It is the only major city in America to witness the eclipse. Kennedy would be elected President the following year on Nov. 8th.


Jul 20 1963 Japan to USA Total ( Saros 145)  97 % at Bush Family Compound in Kennebunkport Maine four months before JFK murder.


Mar 7 1970 USA Eastern Seaboard ( Saros 139) Total Eclipse.  the southeastern seaboard had mostly cloudy weather though Florida remained fair. 93% totality at Cape Canaveral 230 days after men landed on the moon. Totality at Charleston South Carolina, the greatest Slave Port in North America..

95 % totality in Washington D.C., 96% in New York and 97% in Boston. Totality in Cape Cod, home of the Kennedy's.

Similar patterns appear in solar eclipses and the life of Abraham Lincoln.

Those who have eyes will see what they will. His killers did not escape the eyes of the Lord.

Listen to "Murder Most Foul" by Bob Dylan.

Greater Love has no man than this, that he lay his life down for his friends" Jesus John 15:13


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