Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The Electoral College ( Washington Death Day) Eclipse of December 14 2020

The actual 2020 Presidential election was not decided on Election Day in November 2020 or at the infamous January 6th Congressional certification. The election was decided December 14, 2020, when the Electoral College gathered in Washington DC. 

Few people realize that while they voted, a total solar eclipse occurred on the southern end of the hemisphere. 

That eclipse occurred at the exact calendar midpoint of two extraordinary US cross-country total eclipses on Aug 21 2017 and April 8 2024, 1211 days removed from each. All three eclipses occur on Mondays, or Moon day.


2020 Dec 14 Electoral College Total (Saros 142) The precise midpoint of the 2017 and 2024 USA Hepton eclipses. Dec 14 2020. That day (which is also the 221st anniversary of George Washington's death on 1799 Dec 14), between 10am and 5pm Eastern time, the Electoral College certifies Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as President and Vice-President of the United States of America.


5,000 miles away, this total solar eclipse--same hemisphere, same time. Full eclipse occurred between 9:30 am and 1pm Eastern Standard Time. 

Very little of the eclipse path crossed land. Still, maximum eclipse did occur on land, in Argentina near the town of Neuquen (a palindrome). If followed north, longitude of Neuquen intersects with eastern Maine. Eclipse crosses Atlantic and stops just west of Namibia, dying in the ocean before it can reach Africa.


The Hepton Cycle in action. A significant Monday Total Solar eclipse perfectly spaced between two other Total Solar Monday eclipses. All of them western hemisphere. 7 eclipse seasons--1211 days-- in either direction brings you to the USA Eclipse Judgments of 2017 Aug 21 and 2024 Apr 8 (which themselves are exactly 7 eclipse years apart).

Here are the two US total solar eclipses:

The apex of these crossing eclipses are in an area of southern Illinois called Little Egypt. 

These three total eclipses are all members of the amazing Hepton Cycle of eclipses. 7 eclipses 7 eclipse seasons (1211 days) or 7 eclipse years (2422 days) apart, all occuring on the same day of the week, in this case Mondays. 

Here is the full map of the current Monday Hepton cycle. As you can see, the next cross occurs over southeastern Egypt and the Reda sea in 2027 to 2034, spaced also at 2422 days, of course. In this case, there is also a  Hepton Cross in Australia between 2030 and 2037.

There is much more to this phenomenon. Solar eclipses are clear evidence of holo-fractal messaging embedded in the order of reality.

All Glory be to God, who created all things.


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