Monday, April 15, 2024

Oct 7 and Apr 14: Eclipse Peculiarities Surrounding Dates of Current Mideast Conflict


image is of American Aleph Solar eclipse paths: Aug 21 2017, Oct 14 2023 and Apr 08 2024

The dates of important attacks on Israel, October 7 and April 14, are filled with symbolism and significance. These dates are profoundly embedded in the historical, lunar, Hebrew holy day and the eclipse calendars. Here in this brief article, I’ll attempt to describe some  obvious relations. 

First, it’s important to distinguish that the recent attack occurred on April 14 Jerusalem time ( April 13 in USA). The first missiles and drones arrived in Israeli airspace around 2am Sunday April 14.


First peculiarity. Attacks are bookended by solar eclipses.

The October 7th attack occurred 7 days before the solar eclipse of October 14 2023.

The April 14th attack occurred 6 days after the solar eclipse of April 14 2024.

The attacks are neatly bookended by eclipses.

The first occurs essentially on the waning quarter moon and the second very near the waxing quarter moon. Both eclipses ( centered on US/ North America) have their own sets of peculiarities ( see

Second Peculiarity: This particular timing means the attacks occured on the lunar eclipse metonic.

The dates of these attacks, Oct 7 and April 14, were the High Holy Days of Judaism in 2014. On those days, there were lunar eclipses Passover April 14 2014 and Feast of Tabernacles Oct 7 2014. These were the first half of the famous Blood Moon Tetrads of 2014/2015.

These same dates will again occur as lunar eclipse High Holy days in 2033. April 14 2033 and oct 7 2033 will be High Holy Day total lunar eclipses.

What is the Metonic Cycle? Simply put, it is the place where lunar, solar and eclipse calendars meet every 19 solar years. It is an almost impossible coincidence which allows for eclipses to occur on the same calendar date for up to a hundred years. For instance, there was a solar eclipse on April 8 2005, exactly 19 years before the April 8 2024 eclipse. There will be a solar eclipse October 14 2042, exactly 19 years after the October 14 2023 eclipse.

Here’s 19 Year Draco-Metonic Alignment (same phase of moon and repeating eclipse)

19 solar years ( 365.24 days):                    6939.60 days

235 lunar months (29.53 days):                6939.68 days

255 Draconic months(27.2 days)              6939.11 days

The draconic, or nodical, month is the time between the Moon's passages through the same node, or intersection of its orbit with the ecliptic, the apparent pathway of the Sun—Britannica

So there is both a solar eclipse metonic and a lunar eclipse metonic. Lunar eclipses happen on the full moon and solar eclipses happen on the new moon, so the eclipses they create are roughly evenly spaced from each other.


Third Peculiarity: Oct 7 and Apr 14 are the anniversary dates of eclipses surrounding Jesus life and Crucifixion.

There were lunar eclipses on High Holy days of Passover and Feast of tabernacles Apr 14 and Oct 7 in both 13 AD and 32 AD.

There was a lunar eclipse on Passover Apr 14 32 AD, a very possible ( if not likely) date for the Crucifixion. 2001 years later there will be an eclipse on Passover April 14 2033.

We live in the return of the same eclipse Metonic of a great Cosmic clock as the Lord Jesus Christ.



Fourth Peculiarity: Historical events on Oct 7

The date of October 7

1.     Oct 7 3761 BC The start date of the Hebrew Calendar

2.     Oct 7 1952 The birthday of Vladimir Putin.

3.     Oct 7 2001The beginning of the USA war in Afghanistan.


Fifth Peculiarity: Historical events of April 14.

1.   Apr 14 32 AD…Likely date of Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. ( lunar eclipse that day)

2.   Apr 14 70 AD…beginning of Siege of Jerusalem by Rome. ( lunar eclipse that day)

3.   Apr 14 1865 …Assassination of Abraham Lincoln  Good Friday/ Passover. Lunar eclipse 3 days before on Apr 11)

4.   Apr 14 1912…Titanic hits iceberg and sinks hours later. ( solar eclipse two days later April 17)

5.   Apr 14 1932…First splitting of the atom in Cambridge, England ( lunar eclipse 3 weeks before on March 22)

6.   Apr 14 1986 US Bombing of Libya ( 10 days before lunar eclipse on Apr 24)

7.   Apr 14 2024 Iran  (Persia) attacks Israel for first time in 2500 years. ( 6 days after solar eclipse and 20 days after lunar eclipse)

There is no other day in History with more profound symbolism than Apr 14. In summary there is much to be considered here.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Martin Luther King in Eclipses


The extraordinary appearance of the life and death of MLK in eclipses, as marked by God.

"Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends"

John 15:13

Martin Luther King
(Jan 15 1929 to April 4 1968)


King was born into the solar eclipse Metonic which began three years before his birth. He died 8 days before a total lunar eclipse over the USA. 

He shares the distinction of being one of the three most clearly marked individuals in eclipses along with John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln. It is difficult to overstate the fame and importance of these three individuals. Note the nature of all three of their names:

Abraham Lincoln was the only truly worldwide famous man with name Abraham besides the Biblical Patriarch, the first Hebrew mentioned in the Bible. .

John Kennedy bears the name John, the last Hebrew mentioned in the Bible and author of Book of Revelation.

Martin Luther King bears the name of Martin Luther, the father of the Protestant Reformation which brought the Bible to the common man. His last name King is also a title of Jesus.

All three fought for the rights of African-Americans. All three were martyred violently. The incredible Lincoln/JFK eclipses are looked at elsewhere on this blog.

First, let's look at the solar eclipses.  there is probably less than a one in 50 chance of being born into a just developing Eclipse Metonic. MLK, JFK and Abe Lincoln all were.  This means there were solar eclipses on either the exact birthday or birthday eve throughout the life of any given personality.

There are seven MLK birthday eclipses on January 14/15/16 between 1926 and 2029. But the centerpoint is the 15th. King's birthday Metonic arrives three years before his birth and departs on what would have been his 100th Birthday. These were the first Jan 14/15 eclipses in 300 years.

First of interest, there was an eclipse in the area that becomes the USA on King's Birthday Jan 15 1619, the year the first slaves were brought to North America.

307 years pass and we come to the  King Birthday Metonic Eclipses:

Below are listed the seven solar eclipses on King's Birthday ( Jan 14/15) in 20th and 21st Century. there were approximately 200 solar eclipses in total on all dates during this period. As we show elsewhere, the 24 hour day is a flexible reality due to orbits, international dateline and polar locations. Eclipse Metonic anniversaries flex up to 12 hours in either direction. Two of the MLK eclipses are south pole eclipses around its summer solstice, which typically stretch over two  calendar days.

Jan 14 1926 Africa to Southeast Asia Total (Saros 130) three years before his birth. Africa to SE Asia

Jan 14 1945  Africa to Tasmania Ring of Fire ( Saros 140) Eve of MLK's 16th Birthday

Jan 14/15 1964 Antarctica partial (Saros 150) First eclipse on planet earth after JFK's assassination happens on MLK's 35th birthday. Eclipse warbles between Jan 14 and 15 due to south pole location.

Jan 15/16 1972 Antarctica Ring of Fire (Saros 121) Again moving between his birthday and the 16th on the eight year lurch on what would have been his 43rd birthday.

Jan 15 1991 Tasmania/New Zealand Ring of Fire (Saros 131) The Birthday Metonic firmly arrives on the 15th, what would have been King's 62nd birthday.

Jan 15 2010 Africa/India/China Ring of Fire (Saros 141) King would have been 81 for this tremendous 11 minute ring of fire 177 days after the Wuhan Total of Jul 22 2009.

Jan 14 2029 USA Partial (Saros 151) Strong partial covers North America on the eve of MLK's 100th Birthday. 45 % coverage in hometown of Atlanta. 50% coverage at murder site of Memphis.


All told, there were 103 years of MLK Birthday Metonic Eclipses. Note the numeric links between the Saros numbers: the first three are 130, 140 and 150. The last four are 121, 131, 141 and 151.


King's Death on April 4 1968 : Lunar Eclipse in the USA April 12th and 13th, 1968


On Passover April 12/13 1968, eight days after King's murder, a Blood Moon total lunar eclipse covered the USA Good Friday night into Saturday morning, part of a Blood Moon Lunar Tetrad on Jewish High Holy Days. 

Easter arrived the next day on April 14th, the 103rd anniversary of the murder of Abraham Lincoln, the 56th anniversary of Titanic sinking, and the 36th anniversary of the splitting of the atom. 

April 12 1968 was 23 years after death of Franklin Roosevelt.

Between 1951 and 1968, there were eight total lunar eclipses in the USA. One happened 8 days after King's murder. Another happened 38 days after JFK's assassination.


Notes about MLK Death Day of April 4, 1968

Abe Lincoln death date of April 14 and MLK death date of April 4 are exactly one lunar year apart ( 354.3 days) in succeeding calendars.


King's Death Day of Apr 4 is perpetually linked with Abraham Lincoln's Death Day Apr 14/15 in the larger Eclipse Metonic. Because they are one lunar year apart, the two eclipse dates follow each other linked in perpetuity, usually separated by a single eclipse. For instance, in the example below, Lincoln's death day appears in a solar eclipse Apr 14 1809. King's Death Day appears in a solar eclipse on Apr 4 1810, one lunar year later.

King's death day of 4-4 is also perpetually linked with Robert Kennedy's death day of 6-6 in the same Metonic, separated by exactly 3 eclipse years (1033 days). Kennedy was shot 63 days after King in 1968, and the two men were friends.


April 4th is one day after the traditional dating of the Crucifixion of Jesus on April 3rd 33AD. April 4th 1968 would thus be the day that Jesus slept in the tomb 1935 years before.


1968, the year King and RFK were killed, is also 2000 eclipse years (2000 x 346.62 days) after the  Jewish Temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. The Temple was attacked on the day after Passover, or our equivalent of April 13, 70 AD. Therefore, the 70 AD attack on Jerusalem and the April 1968 Passover lunar eclipse which followed the killing of King are exactly 2,000 eclipse years apart.

JFK's birthday of May 29 and MLK's birthday of Jan 15 are perpetually located exactly 7 eclipse years 

(2422 days) apart in the Metonic. 

More on MLK: Atlanta and Memphis In Modern Eclipses.


King's hometown of Atlanta is dead center in deepest eclipse line on the May 30 1984 USA eclipse, which occurred 12 hours after what would have been JFK's 67th birthday. Strong Eclipse in Washington DC with Reagan/Bush in power.


Memphis, where King was killed, is highlighted by the 2017 and 2014 USA cross over Little Egypt, the area around the conjunction of the states of Illinois, Tennessee, Missouri and Kentucky. 

 Memphis, Tennessee was named after Memphis, the capitol of Ancient Egypt, the first empire to have an institutional system of mass slavery. Memphis Tennessee even has a giant pyramid, opened 11-9-1991. Note numeric relation of 11-9 to Egyptian New Year of 9-11.


Memphis lies at the southern end of what is called Little Egypt, along the Mississippi in the USA. Memphis, Tennessee has 93% coverage in 2017 eclipse and 98% coverage in 2024.

The ancient site of Memphis Egypt (near Cairo) has 96 % coverage in 2027 eclipse and 75 % in 2034

God marked the sacrifice of Martin Luther King. Go to for more.